Monday, October 5, 2009

~ Birthday Bash Countdown ~

Its 19 days away, and I’m still in shock! Where has the time gone...? Our little princess is turning “7”, and that means damn I’m 7 years older... Oh well, I’m not dwelling on the negative! There are so many things to get done in the next 19 days. Plus I can’t forget that Mike’s birthdays in 2 days and I gotta figure what to do for him...Hmmm!

Things to do:
1. Order invitations – Done
2. Names of children – Done
3. Buy Ella’s costume – Done
4. Order cake
5. Start decorating – We just have our fall decor up, spooky decor is on its way!
6. Order Ella’s present – Daddy’s in charge of this one
7. Get more pumpkins!!!!
8. Make ghost bean bag toss game – Oh, honey got a project!! I promise to paint it!
9. Order my costume – ugh... What to be, what to be?
10. Teach dog not to eat small children!

Just a little sneak peek! We still have spiders,spider webs,birds and banners to put up. Plus a few surprises, so keep checking back...