We decided to squeeze in a trip to Tahoe before all the snow melted, so we packed up the Volvo and off we went in search of snow. When we arrived at Donner Lake it was in the high 50’s low 60’s but snow was on the ground, thank goodness because we had promised Ella that she was going to be able to learn to ski this weekend. Here are some of the pictures we took that weekend! Enjoy!!!
Ella's first day skiing! It was so warm that she just wore a t-shirt with her ski bib.

Off she goes...

Up she goes...She wanted to go on the chair lift but we told her she had to learn to balance first!!!

Ella and Daddy!

Mommy making her pose!

After a little break back to slopes they go.

It was a beautiful day.

Day 2 - This is the view from our hotel room!

It was a great morning to go skiing.

Ella with her ski instructor Tony.

Learning how to stop! Pizza, Pizza, PIZZA!!!

After about 10 minutes she was ready to get on the lift and off to the top of the bunny slope they went...

What grace!
Oopps, down she goes, but she was up in a split second!

She's LOVING it!

Mike showing off his skiing skills.

After her lesson I asked her if she wanted to get a hot chocolate and she said, "No Mommy! I want to get a few more runs in, then we can get a hot chocolate! Where's Daddy?" One lesson and she throwing around ski lingo like a pro.

What a cutie!!!

She loved the ski lesson and instructed so much that we signed her up for a second lesson later in the day. By the second lesson it had started snowing and it was COLD. But Ella didn't care she just wanted to ski! She is waiting for Tony , her ski instructor.

Arrived back at the hotel after a full day of skiing.

Watching it snow!

Playing in the snow!

Ella and Mommy!

Day 3 - This was a deck the next morning! It had snowed about 3 feet...

"I'm Dreaming of a White C
hristmas" It's hard to believed that this is the second day of spring!

There's the car under all that snow!

Ella and Daddy digging out the car!

On the way home we stopped and did some tubing. Ella had a blast! Mommy fell and hurt her knee...

Back up they go.